My Blog of My Dev Experiences

Welcome to my ramblings. Enjoy.

I’ve been inspired to restart my technical blogging and share my coding experiences with anyone who bothers to read them. This is just a simple introductory post. One part what I’m doing, one part why I’m doing it, and one part what to expect.

I like to ‘give back’ as a developer. It’s one of the greatests things about developers and the whole center of the open source community: sharing what you’ve done so others can improve themselves and the code itself. My sharing recently has come through speaking at some small conferences (like DevFest DC), meetups, and even taking part in an Angular vs React debate. I’ve also taught at a local community college for several years, sharing a love a programming teaching introductory programming courses. Unfortunately, the campus I teach at hasn’t had the need for an extra evening course right now, so I’m without a class to teach, but with some time to spare. I’ve decided to take that time and reapply it to sharing through this blog and through code on my underused GitHub repositories.

I’d like to throw out a quick thank you to Ben Nadel. I’ve actually followed his stuff for quite a while, back to my time working on a ColdFusion app for a government contract. I’ve recently been reading a lot of his posts about his experiences working with a particular feature or problem in Angular. He just shares what he’s done, problems he’s encountered, and how he worked through it. Posts like that can be really valuable, whether it’s something you know inside and out or if it’s the first time you’ve written code on x, y, or z. Maybe you’ve encountered the same gotcha that someone else has doing something their first time through and hasn’t found the right way or the work around. Maybe that will inspire someone to try writing some code for a new feature to test it out themselves. Maybe it will spur on a side conversation in the comments that’s really valuable. All the maybes don’t matter if it helps just one developer out. Reading his experiences has inspired me.

With all that in mind, that’s why I’m writing. I want to share my experiences and contribute to the developer community. I have a couple topics already lined up that I think I pretty interesting that I’ve worked with recently. You can probably expect plenty on Angular and JavaScript, because that is what I do most. After those, I’ll just share whatever I encounter, whatever I experience.